Prijedlozi će se prikazati nakon što unesete tekst u polje za pretraživanje. Pregledajte pomoću strelica za gore i dolje. Za odabir koristite tipku enter. Ako odaberete frazu, ta fraza će biti korištena za pretraživanje. Ako je prijedlog link, ta stranica će se otvoriti u pregledniku.

Obezbjeđivanje osnovnih sadržaja za goste

Every place is different—and that’s what makes travel so fun. But all guests want the basic items that they’ll need to have a comfortable stay.

We strongly encourage Hosts to provide these essential amenities in all their listings:

  • Toilet paper
  • Soap (for hands and body)
  • One towel per guest
  • One pillow per guest
  • Linens for each guest bed

You can message your guests to ask what they need. And offer greater quantities for larger groups and longer stays. Of course, the more amenities you offer, the more enticing your place becomes.

There’s even an Essentials category that you can select if you have the basic requirements covered.

Dodavanje ili uređivanje sadržaja

  1. Kliknite na rubriku Oglasi i odaberite oglas koji želite urediti
  2. U Alatu za uređivanje oglasa kliknite na Vaš smještaj
  3. Kliknite na rubriku Sadržaji
  4. Kliknite na + da biste dodali sadržaje ili kliknite na Uredi da biste ih izbrisali
  5. Pregledajte podatke i kliknite na Gotovo

Listings that have the essential amenities option selected but don’t actually provide the items may be subject to penalties, including removal from Airbnb.

Read tips on how stocking your listing—from toilet paper to TVs—can attract positive reviews in the Resource Center.

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