Prijedlozi će se prikazati nakon što unesete tekst u polje za pretraživanje. Pregledajte pomoću strelica za gore i dolje. Za odabir koristite tipku enter. Ako odaberete frazu, ta fraza će biti korištena za pretraživanje. Ako je prijedlog link, ta stranica će se otvoriti u pregledniku.
Administrator putovanja

Airbnb za poslovne korisnike: Postavljanje centralnog fakturisanja

One useful feature of Airbnb for Work is that employees can book and charge business travel to a company credit card. This takes the hassle out of having to reimburse travel expenses.

To add a credit card:

  1. Go to your admin dashboard
  2. Click your profile photo, then click Settings
  3. Click Payment, then click Add Credit Card
  4. Enter your credit card details and click Save

You can now create payment groups to allow selected employees to use the credit card.

Learn more about managing company travel.

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